MA5.101 - Discrete Structures | Discrete Structures Lectures 8 & 9

with Prof. Ashok Kumar Das
Oct 08, 2020 - Thursday
Written by: Abhinav Menon

Note: Content of multiple lectures


A relation $R$ from a set $A$ to another set $B$ is defined as a subset of $A \times B$. When $B = A$, $R$ is said to be a relation on $A$.

Properties of Relations

A relation $R$ on a set $A$ is said to be

  1. reflexive, if $a \in A \Rightarrow (a,a) \in R$.
  2. symmetric, if $(a,b) \in R \Rightarrow (b,a) \in R$.
  3. transitive, if $(a,x) \in R \wedge (x,b) \in R \Rightarrow (a,b) \in R$ ($a$, $x$ and $b$ not necessarily distinct).
  4. a compatibility relation, if it is reflexive and symmetric.
  5. an equivalence relation, if it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

Equivalence Relations

Informally, most equivalence relations can be connected to elements having some property in common.

Given an equivalence relation $R$ on a set $A$, the equivalence class of an arbitrary $a \in A$ (denoted by $[a]$, $cl(a)$ or $\bar{a}$) is defined as the set of all elements related to $a$ in $A$, i.e.,

$$[a] = \{x \in A | (x,a) \in R\}$$

Equivalence Classes

The set of all equivalence classes of $A$ with respect to $R$ form a partition of $A$. A partition of a set $A$ is a collection of disjoint subsets $A_{i}$ (called parts) of $A$ whose union is $A$, i.e., mutually exclusive and exhaustive.

Also, given a partition $P = {A_{1}, A_{2},…,A_{k}}$ of $A$, an equivalence relation can be defined on A as

$$R = \{(x,y) \in A \times A | x,y \in A_{i}\}$$

Thus, defining an equivalence relation on a set is precisely the same as partitioning it, since the equivalence classes form a partition, and any partition gives rise to an equivalence relation.

Counting Equivalence Relations

Since defining an equivalence relation is equivalent to partitioning a set, the number of equivalence relations on a set is equal to the possible number of partitions of it. The number of ways to partition a set of cardinality $n$ is called $B_{n}$. These numbers are called Bell numbers.

The number of ways to partition a set of cardinality $n$ into $r$ (unlabelled) parts is called $S(n,r)$. These numbers are called Stirling numbers of the second kind.

Stirling Numbers

In order to evaluate $S(n,r)$, we find a way to relate it to the previous Stirling numbers, i.e., we identify a recursion.

Consider a set $A_{n} = {x_{1},x_{2},…,x_{n}}$ that we wish to partition into $r$ parts.

We can say that $A_{n} = A_{n-1} \cup {x_{n}}$, where $A_{n-1} = {x_{1},x_{2},…,x_{n-1}}$ Here, we identify two cases with respect to $x_{n}$:

Case 1. $x_{n}$ is in a partition by itself. Now, $A_{n-1}$ has to be partitioned into only $(r-1)$ parts – hence there are $S(n-1,r-1)$ ways for this case to happen.

Case 2. $x_{n}$ shares a partition with some other $x_{i} \in A_{n-1}$. Now, $A_{n-1}$ will have to be partitioned into $r$ parts, and $x_{n}$ can be added to any of them – hence there are $rS(n-1,r)$ ways for this case to happen.

Both these cases are mutually exclusive and the possibilities can therefore be directly added, giving us the required recursion, i.e.

$$S(n,r) = S(n-1,r-1) + rS(n-1,r)$$

The initial value $S(1,1)$ is simply the number of ways to leave a singleton set alone; hence $S(1,1) = 1$. Further, a set cannot have more parts than its cardinality (since all parts must be nonempty); hence $n < r \Rightarrow S(n,r) = 0$.

Bell Numbers

Since $B_{n}$ is simply the number of ways to partition $A_{n}$ into any number of parts, we obtain it by summing up the Stirling numbers, i.e.,

$$B_{n} = \sum_{r = 1}^{n} S(n,r)$$

Another recursion in terms of Bell numbers alone can be identified. Let $A_{i} = {x_{1}, x_{2},…,x_{i} }$ as above. Now consider $x_{n+1} \in A_{n+1}$. We will look at the number of elements in the part containing $x_{n+1}$ for an arbitrary partition of $A_{n+1}$.

Let $x_{n+1}$ be in a subset containing $k$ other elements for some partition. These $k$ elements have to be chosen from the $n$ elements of $A_{n}$, which can be done in $n \choose k$ ways. Now, the remaining $(n-k)$ elements need to be partitioned; this can be done in $B_{n-k}$ ways.

Since $k$ ranges from 0 to $n$, we obtain the following recursion:

$$ \begin{aligned} B_{n+1} & = \sum_{k = 0}^{n} { {n} \choose {k} }{B_{n-k} } \\ & = \sum_{k=0}^{n} { {n} \choose {n-k} }{B_{k} } \\ & = \sum_{k=0}^{n} { {n} \choose {k} }{B_{k} } \end{aligned} $$


Relations can be extended in order to have a certain property (reflexivity, symmetry or transitivity). This operation is called closure.

Let $P(R)$ indicate that $R$ has a certain property $P$. Then, the closure of $R$ with respect to $P$ is the set $R_{P}$, for which the following hold:

  1. $P(R_{P})$.
  2. $R \subseteq R_{P}$.
  3. $R \subseteq R’ \wedge P(R’) \Rightarrow R_{P} \subseteq R’$, i.e., $R_{P}$ is the smallest set satisfying (1) and (2).

The reflexive closure of a relation over a set $A$ is obtained by taking its union with the set $\Delta = {(a,a)\, \vert \, a \in A}$i.e.,

$$r(R) = R \cup \Delta$$

The symmetric closure of a relation is obtained by taking its union with its inverse, i.e.,

$$s(R) = R \cup R^{-1}$$

The transitive closure of a relation has no such simple representation. It is denoted by $t(R)$.